20 Video Games That Changed Gaming Forever

16. GoldenEye 007

As far as first-person shooters go, GoldenEye for the Nintendo 64 is easily one of the best ever made and a stunningly addictive game. Before GoldenEye, the concept of an FPS on a console was an incredibly foreign thing, testing the logic that most gamers had about the genre being impossible without a PC. It was a gentle nudge for the genre, which would eventually find even greater success with Halo and Call of Duty. It was the start of a console shooter revolution, which saw another innovation from Rare three years later in Perfect Dark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4qJ8wNfgXY It also fostered a community feeling, as its 4-player split-screen was the culprit that cost numerous gamers entire nights worth of sleep. Its addictive "one more game" vibe took a stranglehold on gamers, beginning the first baby steps into the larger world of online console gaming. The online shooter craze that is still going strong today owes a lot to the success of GoldenEye, a game that is still a tremendous joy to play.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.