2021's Best Game NOBODY Played

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the artful escape
Beethoven & Dinosaur

The Artful Escape's gameplay unfolds in the same vein as indie darlings like Night In The Woods or Afterparty. The mechanics are far from unique, which would surely be a significant blemish on any game. With a 2D plane being traversed by a mere flick of the analogue stick, it offers nothing exciting or thrilling. However, in a game that prioritises stunning visuals and gorgeous sound design, there really isn't a need for complex gameplay systems.

Small flourishes like shredding a guitar by holding the X button and power sliding down to lower levels ensure the game's core mechanics never feel uninspired. It's enough to get by, and by allowing the game's flawless presentation to take centre stage is a smart design choice indeed.

Story beats are often completed using a formulaic rhythm-based minigame, with a recognisable visual always subtlety indicating that Francis has to shred his way through the encounter.

Evident by its opening chapters, The Artful Escape isn't a gameplay marvel, yet when you look past the simplicity of its controls, it's a delightful deviation from the norm to experience something short, sweet and, most importantly, truly creative at a time when the AAA landscape is crowded by epic RPG's, gruelling roguelikes and frantic first-person shooters.

Clocking in at a mere 4 hours, and providing precisely one game mode, it's not a title that requires significant time or multiple playthroughs to appreciate. The Artful Escape is an immensely uplifting experience that's a wonderful remedy to a tough week. It's docile, never demands your effort to best and always strives to impress, be it visually, or audibly.

It's the perfect release for the modern person, as work stresses and familial responsibilities dominate much of our time. A weekend is all it takes to stroll through its 28 chapters, and seeing the credits roll a handful of hours later means you'll return to work on Monday morning without the pressure of returning to it the following Saturday.

The Artful Escape
Personal Screenshot

Fan of ducks, ice tea and escapism. Spends much of his time persistently saying 'I have so much studying to do' before watching Zoey 101 for the millionth time. Thinks Uncharted 3 is the best one.