21 WTF Moments From Zelda History

16. Journeying Inside The Moon

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtdWQGwD1VQ Game: Majora's Mask The Moon in Majora's Mask is already a big contributor to the WTFness of the game in its own right. Things get really weird though, when Link gets sucked inside. Most players were expecting a horrible, hell-like place. Instead, they were greeted by a beautiful grassy terrain, filled with strange, masked children.

15. The Chain Chomp

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60uXp85jGYA Game: Link's Awakening What? Why is there a Mario enemy in a Zelda game? For some reason, Nintendo decided to include a Chain Chomp in Link's Awakening. What's more, rather than just being a brief reference, it was the subject of an extensive side-quest in which Link had to rescue the pet Chomp from abduction.

Tom Butler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.