21 WTF Moments From Zelda History

6. A Zora's Dying Message

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFLKQBOOWe8 Game: Majora's Mask Usually in video games, a friendly character's death will be handled with dignity, sadness and possibly an overly melancholic cut scene. That's how it looks to be when you discovered this dying Zora floating in ocean, and carry them to shore. Instead, the Zora gives Link an epic musical performance, with the occasional "Oooh!" and "Baby!" before, um, dying.

5. The Malo Mart

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ThcX8h7E_s# Game: Twilight Princess Twilight Princess was, in general, a much more serious Zelda title, in an attempt to mature the series after the cartoony Wind Waker. This wasn't so when it came to the Malo Mart though, where the staff and patrons seemed cursed to dance a ridiculously happy jig until the end of time...

Tom Butler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.