23 New Stadiums In FIFA 19

1. Tottenham Hotspur Stadium (Spurs)

FIFA 19 Spurs Stadium
EA Sports

Finally, Spurs' new, unopened stadium will be there for all to see in EA's new game. That's rather interesting, not least because the grand opening has been delayed in real life and so nobody has the slightest clue what the place will look like when it's full.

Something like the image above, EA suspect.

Playing at Wembley hasn't been a great experience for Tottenham's fans over the past year or so. They need a place to properly call home, and the 'Tottenham Hotspur Stadium' (cool name, bro) will, they hope, be it. It'll be a delight to usher in a new era for Harry Kane and company in FIFA 19.

What do you think about FIFA 19's stadium count being upped? What other grounds would you like to see included? Let us know down in the comments section below!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.