Second (and last) train sequence in the list, and the natural evolution of what Ubisoft started on their end. However, for Naughty Dog's own attempt at a large-scale thrills n' spills train ride, they stepped everything up in every way possible. No longer was the background to your actions simply a one-note environment that repeated itself after a few seconds, and no longer were the very platforms you're interacting with clearly defined. With Uncharted the team had created an interconnected series of physics models, meaning the train itself hit bumps in the track, Nate might lose his footing or slide around during a gun battle and the whole thing was mapped out so come the close of it you've actually travelled across a good half hour's worth of land. The series' best moments always came from your own improvisational impulses anyway, and when that's happening at 80mph, darting in and out of windows, blasting through skylights and kicking goons off into the surrounding jungle whilst dodging any incoming obstacles - no game since has nailed the idea you're an action hero slap-bang in the middle of fending for your life since.