24 Greatest Video Game Moments Of The 2000s

22. The A.I. Plot Twist - Metal Gear Solid 2

There's jaw-dropping plot twists, and then there's sort of mind-blowing stuff Prince Oberyn became known for - and then there's what Metal Gear mastermind Hideo Kojima puts into his games. Needless to say, MGS 2 was the result of a artistically-minded individual given total freedom to create whatever the hell he wanted. Misguided marketing materials that hid the real main character? Check. Blood-sucking vampires who can run on water? Double check. A plotline revealing your entire support team were a system of A.I.s that came about as a physical embodiment of American patriotism? Check, and don't spare the mind-controlling arms while you're on. Basically, in terms of just saying "EFF THIS!" and doubling down on the craziest elements that went beforehand, MGS 2 was the video game equivalent of the second Matrix movie. However, it's these moments near the close of the game where your formerly fairly restrained Colonel starts telling you to "Turn the game console off right now" before going on about how he "Needs scissors!" where the entire thing breaks straight through the fourth wall and grabs you by the collar, turning it all into total genius.
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