20. Planet Of The Apes Cult
Game: Fallout 3
Reference: The cult in Beneath the Planet of the Apes that worship a nuclear ICBM.
Where it's found: The Children of Atom in Megaton are a clear reference to the movie.
19. The Elder Poles IV: Oblivion
Game: Fallout 3 & New Vegas
Reference: Another of Bethesda's games, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Where it's found: Inscribed on a utility pole just outside Big Town, in the precise centre of the Fallout 3's world map, and on some street-lights in Vegas' Freeside.
18. Officer Kenny
Game: Fallout
Reference: South Park
Where it's found: If you kill Officer Kenny in the Hub, a message will appear saying "You killed Kenny! You bastard!"