25 Best Sega Games Of All Time - RANKED

24. Golden Axe 2

Yakuza game

If you cast your mind back to when you played Golden Axe, chances are you'll probably remember the first one the most. It was a staple of households everywhere, thanks to that triple pack of Mega Drive games which came with Golden Axe, Streets of Rage and Revenge of Shinobi.

However, if you go back and play Golden Axe, it's really quite rough around the edges, particularly if you compare it to something like Streets of Rage. Instead, what you'll want to do is boot up Golden Axe 2 instead, which is by far the best title in the series.

Although it plays very similarly to the original, GA2 is more fluid and incorporated several quality of life improvements which make the original very frustrating. These include the ability to use as much magic as you want by holding down the button (in the original, it would just use as many magic flasks as you had if you pressed the button) and other things such as more control over throwing enemies, a more useful back attack, and better collision detection when hitting enemies.

Unfortunately, Sega didn't continue this success with Golden Axe 3, which was deemed so poor upon launch, they didn't even bother releasing it in Western territories!

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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.