25 Best Selling Video Games Of All Time - Ranked

6. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Sales: 27.5 million (#13)

Verdict: Looking back at San Andreas, it's simply a mind-boggling feat of design that so much could be crammed onto a single PS2/Xbox disc. Though in fairness not every aspect of the game was universally beloved (the need to eat and workout was just boring busy-work), the praise for its insane scope and amount of content was virtually unanimous.

With a premise heavily rooted in the real-world happenings of early 1990s Los Angeles while gleefully referencing a ton of classic movies and roping in an all-star voice cast (most prominently Samuel L. Jackson, James Woods, Peter Fonda, Chris Penn and William Fichtner), this is truly the point at which GTA went from being a smash hit video game to a pop-culture phenomenon in its own right.

From its jaw-droppingly huge map to the ridiculous amount of side content that the majority of players will only barely touch the surface of, San Andreas still stands tall against the later titles in the series, a testament to Rockstar's enduring, demented genius.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.