25 Best Video Games Of The 2000s

10. Final Fantasy X

The last Final Fantasy with turn-based battles was also one of the finest, as although the voice acting has aged about as well as a piece of cheese from 2001, the gameplay systems therein, cast of loveable characters and all-round sense of next-gen spit n' polish that brought us our first look at what Final Fantasy's worlds would look like on new hardware, was a resounding success.

At this point in gaming's ever-changing relationship with RPG design, Square were still firmly set in their turn-based routes, essentially meaning FFX played like the 'golden trilogy' of Final Fantasys VII, VIII and IX. In addition, the wonder came from having a fully-voiced cast, gorgeously-rendered graphics, animations, tactics while on the field, summons looking absolutely jaw-dropping (for their time), and a story that took you from a lowly Blitzball player through a world-saving water-sworded badass, falling in love with the mystical Yuna along the way.

Speaking of Blitzball, it was the neatest mini-game since FF VIII's Triple Triad, an underwater spin on football that played out through taking turns, essentially assigning totals and numbers to things like scoring goals or making saves. It might sound crazy, but hopefully the comment section will back me up as to its addictiveness, and it's little pockets of separated fun like this that really make you appreciate the effort put in on the whole.

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