25 Best Video Games Of The 2000s

4. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater

The world (of gaming) needs guys like Metal Gear Solid-mastermind Hideo Kojima. He's a man of unrestrained genius, his cerebellum firing off in a million directions at once, the resulting compilation of ideas forming some of the most unique, incredibly epic and influence-filled games ever created. Picking just one MGS out of the three that came in the 2000s is no easy task.

However, one that advanced the core gameplay of 1 and 2 in meaningful ways (giving you camouflage options, close-quarters combat takedowns and uses for enemies like bullet shields or throw-knockdowns) alongside a story that proves Kojima can reign in the madness to nail an emotional moment for the ages, it just has to be Snake Eater.

Of course the craziness is there in abundance too. The opening credits are a massive tribute to James Bond, there's a 'boss fight' (of sorts) with a gigantic ladder, a host of enemy characters range from one being made of hornets to another so old and decrepit he can photosynthesise, alongside many chances to ogle various characters' sexy-parts in first-person. If you're forever wondering where to hop on the Metal Gear train, it's right here.

Snake Eater took the timeline of the series back to the 60s, fleshed out the motivations and machinations of everything that would eventually create the maniacal Big Boss who you'd fight in the very first MSX game, and ultimately shows a creative force tying all of his works together in one of the most ludicrously enjoyable ways possible.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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