25 Gaming PCs That Will Make You Jealous

19. 'Lian Li' PC

19 WPhoto Gallery: Here We don't know much about the internals under the case of this sleek machine. We can appreciate it's beautiful simplicity though, and you won't find many liquid cooling systems that look better than this.

18. WMD

18 LPhoto Gallery: Here Made in 2005, the innards of this dangerous-looking PC might not be the most modern, but it still looks pretty incredible. We wouldn't recommend taking it to the airport though.

17. Lego PC

17 NPhoto Gallery: Here Why is there a Lego house on this list? Have we gone mad? Maybe, but this little red house is actually a custom Lego case, containing an extremely powerful gaming PC. Or possibly not, we just included it because we like Lego.

16. BF4 Battlestation

16 HPhoto Gallery: Here We're pretty sure it's meant to be called a minimap, not a bigger-than-the-room map. This is the ideal setup for any Battlefield players that like to be sat in the commander chair.
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