25 Goriest Video Games Of All Time

8. The Darkness II

The Darkness 2 ending
2K Games

The Darkness was a violent and gory game, but it was contained somewhat by its attempts to be more realistic. This is not the case with the sequel, the graphical style of which is meant to look more like the comic book it's based on, and the result is a game that is far more extreme and exaggerated than its predecessor.

Gun shots explode with blood, and the powers of the Darkness allow you to shred your opponents to bits in every way possible, all the while consuming the hearts of your enemies. It's bloody, it's messy, and it's a whole lot of fun to play.

Playing The Darkness II makes you feel like an unstoppable killing machine, and it truly lives up to both its namesake and its mature rating.

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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.