25 Goriest Video Games Of All Time

2. MadWorld

MadWorld Wii

The Wii is often thought of as a console for children, which makes the Wii-exclusive MadWorld all the more shocking. Imagine the hyper-stylized world of Sin City, but even more insanely violent, and you get MadWorld.

As you slaughter your way through the game, MadWorld€™s beautifully rendered black and white world is constantly punctuated with intense bursts of red. It€™s a unique graphical style that turns the constant acts of brutal violence into a work of visual splendor.

Style aside, there is no denying the sheer amount of blood and guts in this game. If it were possible to measure, it is likely that countless gallons of blood is spilled in MadWorld.

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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.