25 Most Criminally Underrated PS2 Games Of All Time

16. Ghostbusters: The Video Game

Ghostbusters the video game

Ghostbusters fans may be crying into their morning proton-Os (or something) about the godawful 2016 reboot, but many gamers will already know that 'Ghostbusters 3' pretty much got made in digital form back in 2009.

With you playing as an entirely new character and joining the original cast including Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson, it was literally a Ghostbusters fan's dream come true. Witty writing and endless easter eggs - thanks to the sets from the movies being lovingly recreated and explorable - were doled out from the get-go, as tight third-person shooting and a fun physics model underpinned your energy-blasting adventures.

If you dreamed of being a Ghostbuster growing up or just want to hang out with four of the finest comedic minds as you chart New York's underbelly and blast demons into tiny containment units, this is your game.

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