25 Most Criminally Underrated PS2 Games Of All Time

1. Red Dead Revolver

red dead revolver red harlow

What? There was a Red Dead before Redemption? Well yes, actually. Despite the huge amount of people saying they want a 'Red Dead Redemption 2', they're actually referring to Red Dead 3, as the series started off in the hands of Capcom, before having development be finished by Rockstar.

It meant that gameplay was a bit torn between two signature developers, the arcade sensibilities of the former giving combat an instant and gratifying feel, before Rockstar polished things up on the performance front, extending the story to have some fantastic characters and writing within. Redemption's 'Dead Eye' mode originated here, too, with the ability to tag a host of enemies and then see Red fire off a couple of revolvers' worth of bullets, ventilating all foes at once.

Red wasn't even the only character either, as the story took on a more epic yarn, jumping between multiple heroes and including boss fights to spice things up. It has a very different feel to Redemption overall, but is no less worth checking out, if only to find out where the 'Red' part of the title comes from.

What's your most underrated PS2 game of all time? Let us know in the comments!

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