25 Most Tragic Deaths In Video Game History

15. Emile - Valiant Hearts

Valiant Hearts is a surprisingly poignant puzzle-adventure game based on World War I. It chronicles the intertwining stories of four characters, one of which is a French farmer named Emile who spends the war searching for his son-in-law. When told to charge into certain death by a superior officer, Emile strikes him with a shovel, accidently killing him in the process. He is charged with treason and sentenced to death by firing squad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJu6-bdI95E Despite the colorful and cartoony art design, the death of Emile is the defining moment in a game that does a wonderful job of conveying the tragedy of war. Emile is undeniably a good man; a man willingly to go to extreme lengths to save his loved ones. And yet despite this, he is still killed at the hands of his own countrymen. The game doesn't condone or condemn Emile's actions, instead showing the inherent sadness to the entire ordeal. Too many good people died during the war, and Valiant Hearts get this fact across beautifully.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.