25 Most Tragic Deaths In Video Game History

10. The Colossi - Shadow Of The Colussus

It may not be immediately apparent, but Shadow of the Colossus is actually one of the most tonally tragic video games ever made. From the very first moment the entire game oozes melancholy; a mood enhanced by the actions you take throughout the game. https://youtu.be/GgoGa2bz__M?t=4m50s Shadow of the Colossus sets you out with one goal: kill 16 mysterious Colossi in order to resurrect your lost love. The problem is that these creatures, as far as you know, are in no way deserving of your blade. They are beautiful and otherworldly, and as you tear through them like slasher villain, you can€™t help but feel in the wrong. In every situation you are the instigator selfishly killing these majestic beasts to bring back a loved one. Every victory makes you feel pity and sadness rather than triumph. It almost feels like you're the villain of the game. The Colossi may be huge, monstrous, and intimidating, but they are ultimately the victims of a selfish boy with a sword. That's just sad.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.