25 Most Tragic Deaths In Video Game History

6. Saren Arterius - Mass Effect

Saren Arterius may have been the antagonist of the first Mass Effect, but his circumstances make him no less tragic. During the final confrontation, if you have a high enough paragon or renegade meter, you have the ability to talk Saren down. If successful, Saren breaks free of his indoctrination long enough to kill himself before he can aid the Reapers any further. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vsl_TNEeGxg In this single moment Saren goes from being a simple bad guy to misguided villain. Saren believed that what he was doing was truly good for all organic life in the galaxy, but at some point the Reapers took control and twisted his purpose into theirs. His final goodbye to Shepard reveals that the real Saren was trying to break free all along. It€™s incredibly sad, and it makes Saren an amazingly nuanced villain.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.