25 Most Tragic Deaths In Video Game History

2. Lee Everett - The Walking Dead

Telltale€™s The Walking Dead was practically a revelation when it was released, mixing classic point and click adventure gaming with the gut-wrenching storytelling of Robert Kirkman€™s graphic novels. While full of tragedy from beginning to end, it was the final moments between Lee and his surrogate daughter Clementine that made gamers around the world pretend to have something in their eye. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBD7Ir04Sis While the entire scene (if not the entire series) is tragic in and of itself, it€™s the effect on poor Clementine that makes it practically unbearable. Not only is she forced to either kill or leave behind the protector whom she€™d grown to love like a father, but she has to go on and survive all by herself. It€™s a devastating emotional blow that makes your heart break for her. It€™s an emotional low that not even the television show or the comic it is based on have come close to reaching.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.