27 Biggest WTF Moments In Resident Evil History

16. The Communications Officer (Resident Evil Revelations)

In the Promenade Hall in Resident Evil Revelations, a boss can be found called the Scagdead. Infected by the T-Abyss Virus, the Scagdead is a monstrous, lumbering creature with a cavernous mouth and a mutated arm that functions much like a buzzsaw. It€™s pretty disturbing, but the cruellest aspect of the Scagdead€™s biology is that it doesn€™t completely supersede the consciousness of the host. On its left shoulder, the head of the ship€™s Communications Officer can be still be seen, protruding like the most grotesque appendage imaginable. Worst still, the Comms Office doesn€™t seem to fully understand the horror of his situation; he€™ll shout, €œDon€™t shoot me, I€™m human!€, €œGet Away, there are monsters here!€ and €œDon€™t run from me, I€™m human!€ It€™s all pretty twisted, and perhaps one of the series€™ most underappreciated bosses.

Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.