27 Biggest WTF Moments In Resident Evil History

13. Chris Redfield Dislodges A Boulder With His Fists! (Resident Evil 5)

During the fight with Wesker at the end of Resident Evil 5, Chris and Sheva find themselves separated by a river of lava. In order to reach Sheva, Chris decides to utilise a nearby boulder in order to make a bridge. Sounds reasonable enough, right? Unfortunately, the boulder proves a little too heavy; Chris is unable to make it budge even an inch. At this point, a normal person, having misjudged the size and weight of the boulder, might think up an alternate solution to the problem. Chris Redfield instead resorts to punching the boulder repeatedly with his massive fists, over and over again until the thing actually somehow succumbs to his right hook. Only in the Resident Evil universe could a man fight a boulder and win.

Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.