30 Best Video Games Of All Time

6. Red Dead Redemption

Red dead redemption

Possibly Rockstar's finest and most mature work, Red Dead Redemption continued the more considered scriptwriting we first saw in parts of Manhunt and Bully. Ostensibly letting the studio grow into something other than a GTA factory, RDR's backdrop of the cold, harsh, unforgiving Wild West is the perfect place to explore all sorts of themes surrounding belief, survival, honour, justice and - best of all - revenge.

Come the close of Red Dead, all plot lines converge as following a major rug-pull you'll need to seek out - of your own accord - a certain individual to enact some Hollywood-esque justice. The way this whole setup is a natural extension of everything you've been doing so far - alongside a bit of ingenuity in regards to knowing where to go - exemplifies why Red Dead is so special.

Rockstar made a living, breathing world filled with morality and possibility; one that invites you to take the law into your own hands, and when you do, gives you one of the best pay-offs in all of gaming. It really is that spectacular, and I haven't even talked about the calm after the storm of listening to José González' So Far Away, as you venture across the border into Mexico, hearing only your horse's footsteps for company after a bloody battle.

The single great western of the gaming world, Red Dead is testament to Rockstar doing some of their best work away from Grand Theft Auto.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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