30 Things You Didn't Know About The Legend Of Zelda

Peter Pan and Naziism? Who knew?!

The Legend Of Zelda Vintage
Not all video games are fortunate (or lucky) enough to get their formula so perfect the first time around that it ensures their long-lasting appeal for over two decades, but The Legend Of Zelda is one such example of a series that has managed to defy the odds. Beginning in the 80s and going from strength to strength ever since its date of conception, to say that there's not a single bad Zelda title in the main series isn't an over exaggeration by any means - the quality is just that high. And it's for that very reason that articles like these exist; to celebrate the huge amount of secrets, easter eggs and just outright obscure, lesser-known facts that have become part of the series' history. They don't all exist within their respective game's worlds though. Such is Zelda's popularity, that there even used to be a brand of cereal named after it. There's never been a shortage of controversy either. Accusations of anti-Semitism, ghostly-possessions and 'nudity' have all been levelled at various titles in the series. But which ones are utter nonsense and which have truth behind them? Read on to discover 30 things you never knew about Zelda.

30. The Legend Of Zelda Was Wrongly Accused Of Being Anti-Semetic

The Legend Of Zelda Vintage

First of all, the map above isn't in the shape of a Swastika - it's the wrong way around for starters.

Even putting aside the possibility that the map shape is purely accidental, the shape actually resembles the Manji; a Buddhist symbol that can stand for strength or compassion.


Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.