E3 is over for 2015, and it was certainly a banner year for the increasingly-popular gaming expo. Despite the inevitable disappointments and peculiarities, it offered pretty much something for everyone, and with a high number of shock announcements, left even cynical gamers feeling joyous and optimistic about things to come. From long-awaited sequels to unexpected new IPs, promising emerging technology and stunning gameplay footage from upcoming titles, developers came out swinging this year, intent on staking a claim for your hard-earned cash. Sure, there was the usual corporate posturing and abundance of cringe-worthy moments, but there was also some genuine hope about the future of the industry, no matter how much some companies will always be trying to nickel-and-dime gamers. Needless to say, November's going to be a super-expensive month, as this holiday season represents one of the most competitively stacked that has ever been seen. Start saving now to avoid living on ramen noodles for two months, but of course, that's just the start of it: 2016 and beyond is looking pretty damn promising already. Hell, there was so much awesomeness at E3 that the new Halo and Metal Gear Solid games didn't even make this list (because let's face it, you already know what you're getting with those two games). Without any further ado, here are the 31 best moments from E3 2015...
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.