4 Ways You Are Killing Video Games

4. Hayter Love

It all started here. Shortly after the announcement that both Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain are one and the same, it was revealed that the long time series stalwart and voice actor David Hayter would not be voicing the protagonist, Big Boss. Series director Hideo Kojima said that he wanted recreate the Metal Gear series. Its a new type of Metal Gear game and we want to have this reflected in the voice actor as well. This statement was much to the chagrin of the internet.
Dont get me wrong, I love David Hayter as much, maybe more, than the next man. I pride myself on being a walking Metal Gear wiki. I will defend the franchises ridiculous stupidity to my final breath. Hell, Hayter didnt watch The Watchmen, he wrote them. I even enjoyed the Scorpion King Yeah. To be honest, I am a little disappointed at the lack of Hayter in the next installment in the series. It will be weird, after all, questioning cries of Meryl? Metal Gear? And Liquid? are ingrained into my psyche. However, Metal Gear Solid, and its associated media, is the brainchild of its creator, the aforementioned Hideo. Whatever he decides to twist Metal Gear into, thats his prerogative.
But, of course, the internet did not like this too much. So among all the I IS GOING TO BOYCOTT METAL GEARZ, a Change.org petition was started. The petition, or partition, as the creator, Branden Gunn, at one point calls it, is after 15,000 signatures to try and get David Hayter back into Metal Gear Solid V to play Big Boss. At the time of writing, the petition has just shy of 13,000 scribbles on it, with reasons like the following attached to it.
Cause i wanna hear davids voice one more time =D- Lulu Hand-destruction
Because David Hayter- Arturo Pérez Avila
Without David Hayter any potential for a successful product will go away.- Gregory Wojcik
Its that last one that really got me.
What gives the player of a game the right to turn around and say they know what is best for a product? That right is for Konami and Kojima alone. As a consumer, you are just that, a consumer. It would be ridiculous for you to turn around and say to me, Im not reading the rest of this article. The writer put Konami in front of Kojima. What a douche! Im going to commence a Kickstarter to get this guy off the internet." I am not going to turn up at your house whilst youre making your lunch and punch you square on the nose for replacing the extra strong cheddar with a french brie in your sandwich. Its your sandwich do as you please. I may show distaste after experiencing the final product, but that was your creative vision for your sandwich.