40 Best Supporting Video Game Characters Ever
Sometimes it is the lesser characters, the supporting cast, the good and bad that makes a game truly stand out and come to life.
Video games are awesome, we all know that. They allow us to escape the dreariness of so called real life (except The Sims obviously) and become someone else for a little while. But what defines video games, alongside awe inspiring shots of things blowing up, are the characters within. Most of the time the hero or main protagonist is the one we love the most, Master Chief, Commander Shepherd, Mario etc. But sometimes perhaps it is the lesser characters, the supporting cast, good and bad that makes a game truly stand out and come to life. This article contains a selection of our favourites in a non-specific order: *Warning the following article contains the occasional spoiler marked thusly *SPOILERS* so be on guard. If you havent played these games and think you might, bear in mind that we dont have those flashy things from Men in Black so if you read it, youre screwed forever!