5 Awesome Video Game Composers You Should be Listening To Right Now

2. Jim Guthrie

Jim Gurthie Guthrie, aside from serving as a member of some quality Canadian rock bands (Islands/Royal City/Human Highway), recently crafted the soundtracks for Superbrothers:Sword & Sworcery and Indie Game: The Movie. Both are critical darlings and are often praised for their respective soundtracks, with good reason. Guthrie's exploratory, epic soundtrack feels right at home for Superbrothers. But even more so, it€™s difficult to imagine Indie Game: The Movie being nearly as effective a documentary without its perfect soundtrack. The music whimpers, swells, and gets funky in all the right places. Give this one a listen; it€™s the main theme for the movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzGVtLJZczQ&feature=player_profilepage#! That is the perfect musical summary of what Indie Game is about: rising from a melancholy low to a celebratory high (and then descending into a satisfied, humble silence) as these developers finish the various passion projects they€™ve spent an unfathomable amount of time crafting. It€™s all there in one song: suffering, passion, and victory. You can listen to (and purchase) both soundtracks from Guthrie€™s site.
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Javy Gwaltney is an aspiring author, screenwriter, and essayist from South Carolina. He also likes to write about video games. You can find his articles on those at Bitmob and Whatculture! If you like, you can follow him on twitter: https://twitter.com/JavyIV