5 Best Single Player Co-Op Experiences

System Shock 2

face_1348686544 System Shock 2 laughs in the face of Resident Evil throws yellow snowballs at Silent Hill and hangs every other game that has attempted horror from a tall tree by their ripped boxer shorts. System Shock 2 was in some ways a failure but has garnered a huge cult following over the years with the demand for a sequel or rerelease picking up steam as the months go by. I know this is a FPS but it is not as boring as today€™s current field of mediocrity. I played this game over ten years ago, alone and it is only ten times more fun when playing in a darkened room with a friend or two, the one time I dared replay it. People regularly go to the cinema to experience the thrill of being scared but nothing can match the eerie echoed atmosphere that System Shock 2 can provide. With it being 2013 and surround sound becoming cheaper to gain access to, the scares in this game can only go from strength to strength and I urge you PC Gamers out there, everyone actually as the game is old enough to run on most average laptops today, to sit down with a friend in a dark room and enjoy this classic. Apart from staining the chairs being sat on whilst venturing through the ghastly spacecraft that puts Dead Space to shame, the RPG elements of the game can lend themselves to whimpering whispers of advice trading between friends to decide what weapon is best for protection after emitting girly screams of horror. The advertisements for Paranormal Activity that show the audience reactions wouldn€™t be a patch on a webcam montage of System Shock 2 players, and with today€™s technology that is easily possible to achieve, even just to watch back and figure out who is the most manly while playing. None of you. Do you recommend any other single player games that can be fun with more people in the room? Let us know in the comments below.
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