5 Great Video Game Movies That Aren't Based On Video Games

4. Inception (Metal Gear Solid)

Crank Bellic
Warner Bros.

Just imagine each dream sequence is a new level, (presumably making each scene of people falling asleep some kind of art-house loading screen). Makes sense, doesn't it?

Inception is an odd film, one with flaws and successes in its narrative that make it essentially the big screen adaptation of the Metal Gear Sold franchise. Don’t believe me? Let’s play this game then, and tell me which of the two I’m describing:

A bombastically preposterous story that grounds itself in so much dead-pan pseudo-science it’ll make you feel like you’re involved in something definitely intelligent, but you’re ashamedly gonna take yourself out of the moment on more than a few occasions to go, ‘….wait, what?!’ It features amazing locations that defy architecture, a steady stream of non-essential and easily replicable henchmen, a weapon system that allows a buffet of guns to appear out of thin air, a biologically damaged protagonist who looks fantastic in a suit, and at the heart of it all, infiltration is key. Also, that snowy location at the end of Inception is basically Shadow Moses from Metal Gear Solid.


Award-winning freelance writer and photographer based in Jersey in the Channel Islands. Passionate about content creation, walking a different path to most and enjoying the journey. From psychotherapy to burger reviews, I love writing about what I find interesting and believe that everything I write should have a benefit to the reader.