5 Logical Rebuttals To Illogical Criticisms Of Elder Scrolls Online

5. "It's Nothing Like Skyrim" - It's Not Meant To Be

Skyrim is classified as an action RPG, and like most other games in this genre it is largely a solitary experience in an open world populated with NPCs for the player to interact with. Also, most players prefer to play from a first person perspective, allowing for a more visceral combat experience. ESO on the other hand is a Massively Multiplayer Online game. As such, the focus is less on visceral, in-your-face action and more on accessibility and sheer scope. Comparing these two games is a case of apples and oranges; they're drastically different and exist for different reasons. Furthermore, the fact that Skyrim and ESO had different developers is something not known by the vast majority, as this time around Bethesda are only doing the publishing. It's unfair to expect a Skyrim-style experience from a developer who didn't have anything to do with it in the first place. In summary if you're expecting Elder Scrolls Online to be a co-op Skyrim, you're going to be disappointed. If you're an Elder Scrolls fan, come into this game ready to judge it on its own merits. If Oblivion and Skyrim are brothers, then think of ESO as the cousin: close enough to be considered family, but distant enough to be different.

Eller likes a lot of old video games, and some new video games. Follow him on Twitter (@JordanEller) for updates about articles, but mostly silly jokes.