5 Most Memorable Red Dead Redemption Characters (Aside From John Marston)

3. Seth Briars

Seth Briars Seth is driven mad by a quest for wealth, he has an unhealthy obsession with the dead and an unpredictable psychotic nature. The first time the player witnesses Seth he appears as a dirty, half-feral and broken man in the process of grave robbing in the pursuit of treasure, but he is more than just a lost soul, in his desperation and despair Seth has come to love the corpses he roots through and despise the living. Of all the characters John has to ally with, Seth is arguably the one John is most uncomfortable assisting. It is difficult not to mention 'Undead Nightmare' when concerning Seth, as he is a character who thrives with the rotting dead rather than the active and civilised living. It is hard to imagine Seth having a normal life with a wife and children, but he claims he had it all and sacrificed it in his pursuit of treasure. He is a man overwhelmed by hatred and frustration at the world for not rewarding him with the riches he has so long desired, though the continuous searching could merely act as justification for him to go on rummaging through corpses. Yes he is furious when he discovers the glass eye but he does not suddenly return to being an ordinary man, he is just as crazed and twisted as before. Having distanced himself too far away from normality the corpses and graves are all he has left. As with West Dickens, Seth's characteristics make him memorable and unique, even if for all the wrong reasons.
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