5 Reasons Call Of Duty Could Soon Die

1. Too Little, Too Late


Activision's new engine is pretty damn impressive. With that new engine, most of my gripes, such as graphical flaws, connection stability, and lag issues will be immediately addressed or at least ameliorated.

Keeping that in mind, there's hordes of gamers who're disillusioned or dissatisfied with what Activision keeps giving us. It seems that the cycle always repeats itself, albeit to increased frustration every year. Although the anticipation of a new title always seems to abate the frustration of the preceding game somewhat, they always return in full once the flaws in the new game come to light.


He knows the foregrip is there, right?

What if Call of Duty: Ghosts is as revolutionary as Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. What if the game finally is as stable as Gears of War, or Halo, or Killzone? What if the developers actually address the several bugs and flaws that have annoyed players since the game's inception?

And what if people are so fed up or annoyed with Call of Duty, that they never play the game and find out, ending their tenure with the game on a sour note that wasn't needed?

Now I by all means have no authority on telling you what to buy - I'm obviously a Sony fan who's annoyed by Call of Duty and I clearly favor Sony in the upcoming console cycle. That being said, I'm more than aware that the people of Activision have ears and eyes. They can clearly see and hear each gripe that is thrown their way about their largest game franchise, and with several innovations made to fit the game to the new consoles, it's actually likely that several complaints about the game will be thoroughly addressed, if not handled entirely.

So for those of you like me who've gotten bored with the series over the years, you needn't give up hope on the franchise yet - however cautious skepticism is more than understandable.

Here's hoping they release a demo or something.


I'm a technologically savvy Sony Gamer born in the epic city of New Orleans, currently pursuing a degree in Mass Communications in South Carolina. When not losing hours of my life with a controller in my hand, I'm probably losing hours of my life typing endless words into a keyboard, my attempt at this thing called "technology journalism". Hi there.