5 Reasons Marvel's 'Superior Spider-Man' Would Make A Great Video Game

3. A Story To Justify A Detailed Campaign

While Beenox did attempt to add some meat to the bones of each of their 'Amazing Spider-Man' tie-in games, none of this was well-employed enough to feel like a real part of the story. Though the additional villains of the first instalment and the post-film setting did feel fairly organic at times, the writing and construction of it never felt believable enough for it to run truly with the film's canon. The story of each of these games served as nothing more than a way of shifting players between boss battles, and failed to invoke any sort of emotion or involvement when compared to the films. In Beenox's defence, the involvement of extra villains and plot points was essential, as the events of a two hour film are hardly detailed enough to justify a full game, especially given the current expectations set by games with forty-plus hour campaigns. Given that the events of Otto's career as Spider-Man took place over thirty-one issues and involved a number of conflicts, challenges and rivalries, there is more than enough source material available to justify a standalone game for this story. The main events of the series would be well-fitted to a chaptered main story, with all the usual free-roaming side quests naturally fitting alongside the major plot points. The story needs literally no additions in terms of events or progression, and the variety of villains, events and interactions could certainly carry off an exciting video game campaign.
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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.