When 'Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic' was released in 2003 I had no idea it would go on to become my favourite RPG and video game of all time. It was revolutionary in the way it immersed the player in its Universe and granted you so much freedom with your character and squad. Bioware's success has stemmed from this game, the 'Mass Effect' trilogy owes much of its success to the fact many gamers knew what a fantastic job they had done with KOTOR. However, the sequel to this outstanding game was not developed by Bioware (who were supposedly busy with Jade Empire at the time), instead Obsidian Entertainment took the helm. Unfortunately, whilst still a really good game, 'Knights Of The Old Republic II The Sith Lords' came with multiple bugs, cut content and somewhat inferior graphics to its predecessor; meaning that many disregarded the game entirely or felt it was not a strong enough sequel to a brilliant game. The most frustrating thing about 'KOTOR II' from a fan's perspective is that the game was rushed by Lucasarts. Given more time the game would have felt more complete and may have even equalled its predecessor. Yet despite all the problems the game comes with the story of the game is what makes it so unique. The game delves into new storytelling and themes that nothing in the Star Wars Expanded Universe has mastered before, in other words it can be considered to be one of the most adult stories in the whole of Star Wars. Sequels are traditionally darker than the original and the story of 'KOTOR II' is similar to 'The Empire Strikes Back' in that sense. From the moment the game begins on Peragus there is a sense of darkness, mystery and maturity that is not felt in either 'KOTOR' or the Star Wars films, in fact the theme 'The Sith Lords' that plays when you begin by creating your character is enough to send shivers down your spine. It is difficult to explain what is so unique about the game's story in a single sentence, obviously there are other factors besides the story that make the game what it is; the atmosphere, the music and the look of the game all contribute to its unique nature. So here then are five reasons why 'KOTOR II' story holds its own in the Star Wars Universe and in Gaming altogether. I t is important to note that SPOILERS for both 'KOTOR' and 'KOTOR II' will feature in this article. If you have not played either games (and if so you are really, really missing out) and do intend to, please do not do yourself a disservice by reading this article. Then let us begin.