5 Reasons To Get Hyped About Metal Gear Solid V

1. Characters

gsm_169_metal_gear_solid_V_trailer_032713_640 Easily my favorite aspect of the entire Metal Gear franchise. Each game has deep characters with fully developed backstories, often deserving games of their own. In the first Metal Gear Solid, Revolver Ocelot was seen as a minor character until the post-credit phone call. All other members of Foxhound could have their own prologue episode to discuss their backstory. In the sequel, Dead Cell wasn't quite as intriguing, but provided interesting boss fights and tasks (Admit it, finding Fatman's bombs were interesting). Two characters were scrapped at the end, Chinaman and Old Boy. An underwater fight with sharks against Chinaman would have been pretty epic. In Metal Gear Solid 3, we get introduced to the Cobra Unit. Their unity which was forged in WWII and later ripped apart during The Cold War is the origin for every major character throughout the series. The Boss and her forced defection influenced Big Boss to rebel against countries and create an ideal home for mercenaries (Metal Gear 1 and 2). Ocelot followed Big Boss's lead to create it on a global scale Metal Gear Solid 3 and 4. In addition to plot devices, how often are we going to see characters who give Dragon Ball Z style monologues? Outside of Mega Man whose powers are bees? Each character gives their own different spice to the series. Assuming that the Metal Gear wiki is correct, we will be seeing mostly familiar supporting characters in the new game, including Psycho Mantis, Chico, Paz, and Master Miller. This is a combination of nostalgia and character development that will fill the gap in the Metal Gear universe and continue each fan's hype until it's release. Probably the only drawback, is that David Hayter won't be supplying any voice talent for the game. Like this article? Let us know in the comments section below.

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