One of the most memetic lines about being a cyborg came from Deus Ex: Human Revolutions Adam Jensen: I never asked for this. Unless youre an NPC in an RPG, or a really lucky antagonist or protagonist, you will likely never be a consensual cyborg. The most common causes of becoming a cyborg are death, nearly being killed, and evil people being evil. Just think about the cyborg characters youve probably played in the last few years: Commander Shepard turned into a cyborg to bring him/her back to life. Sergeant Rex Power Colt turned into a cyborg to bring him back to life. Raiden turned into a cyborg against his will as part of the Patriots experiments. Adam Jensen beaten and nearly killed by cyborgs and turned into a cyborg to save his life. Alcatraz nearly killed by a Ceph gunship, inserted into a nanotech based power armor, which begins replacing internal organs and overwrites his mind with its previous owners. Now you might be saying, Dont be a protagonist then. Which would be fine, except those same three circumstances seem to apply to everyone in a video game. The image above is literally of the brains of Mexican orphans that have been harvested so they can be turned into cyborg soldiers. Think about that for a second. If random kids are being subjected to evil cyborg operations, what are the odds that you wouldnt? So if you do find yourself in a video game, as a consensually cybernetic person, enjoy winning one of the most twisted lotteries ever. Prepare to be the most paranoid person ever, because your stoke of good luck comes with some huge Swords of Damocles hanging around. But at least your robot dog's likely to be pretty cool, so there's that. Would you risk being a video game cyborg? Let us know in the comments below.
Living in Florida, enjoying the weather when its good, writing for a living. TV, Film, Animation, and Games are my life blood. Follow me on Twitter @xbsaint. Just try not to get too mad when I live tweet during Toonami.