5 Reasons Why Bioshock Infinite Looks Awesome

3. The Story

bioshock-infinite story

Anyone who has played the original Bioshock will know that it is a very story driven game, in fact both games were. They explored mature themes that most Hollywood blockbusters never touch and were full of characters as twisted as they were interesting, none were good or inherently evil they were just people. Games are rarely viewed as art but this series has so far made an excellent arguement that they should be. Bioshock Infinite looks set to continue that legacy with themes of American exceptionalism, religion and racism all weaved into this plot of civil war and violence.

The most interesting part about the story this time around is it seems more active. For example in Bioshock Rapture was a twisted museum of Utopia gone wrong with the remnants of a deadly civil war between Atlas and Ryan scattered about, it was a time capsule we as the player never saw these events occur but heard about them through characters and their audio diaries.

However, in Infinite the civil war is going on around Booker which will hopefully make for a more dynamic (but no less interesting) story than the original. Another reason why the story is going to differ is the protagonist. In Bioshock 1 and 2 the main characters (Jack and Delta) were mostly mute which meant (especially in the original) they acted as a sponge that absorbed the events and world around them.

This worked extremely well for those games because it created a sense of loneliness and isolation that fitted the world of Rapture. However, in this game the protagonist Booker has a face and a voice and a relationship with the characters around him including Elizabeth which looks to add another layer to the plot. Booker like Elizabeth also appears to have a dark, dangerous past which I can€™t wait to uncover. These elements and as I mentioned before the unique relationship between Songbird and Elizabeth will hopefully create a story as engaging and memorable as Bioshock.


I live in Engalnd, Im a massive gamer, movie buff, fangirl and aspiring writer. Follow me on Twitter @millygribben and check out my blog http://mediamanic97.blogspot.co.uk/