5 Signs You're Too Old For Gaming

1. You Have To Ask

Am I Too Old

The most obvious sign that you're getting too old for video gaming is the simplest. If you feel the need to ask yourself, your fellow gamers or even the internet - as featured above - then you most likely are too old for gaming. Most gamers will not consider this question during their day-to-day gaming sessions and are more than comfortable with their choice of hobby. Habit can be quickly harmed by controversy, though, and the moment a gamer starts to wonder whether or not they really should be spending hour upon hour, day after day in front of their console, PC or handheld is the day that they take their first step on the path toward gaming retirement. It could be as subtle as not caring about your playable characters any more, or as obvious as no longer ignoring the absurd levels of housework and deciding against remaining stagnant buried in your own filth and bathed in the glow of your entertainment system. Anyone else can try to tell you that you are too old for gaming but the decline doesn't start there. No one can plant the seeds of doubt until you can consider that they may really exist. The signs may suggest that you're too old for gaming, but such a unique and interactive entertainment experience cannot be ceased by such a basic or formulaic end. The realisation will be sudden, unexpected and slightly heartbreaking... Although, some people will probably keep on gaming forever - I certainly intend to! How is your gaming life developing? Notice any of these signs in your world yet? Or have there been other things forcing you to consider whether you're too old for gaming? Let us know in the comments.
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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.