5 Toughest Gaming Achievements Ever

2. Dead Space 2 €“ Hard to the Core (50g/ Gold Trophy): Complete the Game on Hard Core

Net this extremely coveted, rarely earned achievement/trophy simply by completing the game on the Hard Core setting. Easy, right? Wrong. Not only is the game immensely difficult at that setting, you€™re only allowed to save three times during the entire game and checkpoints? You can forget about €˜em. Expect to get real familiar with the area around each save point, as you€™ll be spending a whole lot of time back there when you€™re repeatedly overwhelmed by beasties or glipped by environmental hazards. Of course at the end of it all you€™ll be rewarded with 50 lovely G, or a shiny gold trophy for your efforts, but is it worth the stress-related tumour you€™ll probably develop along the way? That€™s for you to decide.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.