5 Ups & 5 Downs From Destiny: Rise Of Iron

1. The Story Lacks In Most Areas

Destiny rise of iron

For the most part, the story of Rise of Iron is bland at best - a real shocker. Yes, there are definitely some standout moments and there are side quests that have been the best we've seen since Destiny released. But that doesn't change the fact that everything else around it is mediocre.

Like previously mentioned, the "big bad" from Rise of Iron in SIVA doesn't connect. The five mission story, (which feels incredibly short and rushed compared to The Taken King) seemingly goes from 0 to 60 in one mission. It appears as if you know nothing about SIVA, to storming into the replication chamber and locking away the plague once and for all - all while killing three Iron Lords who have seemingly been possessed by the technology.

It makes you sit and think, "What just happened and how did I get here?"

There's so much of the in between that seems to be missing, that the story suffers tremendously, leaving unanswered questions behind. One for instance involves Rasputin: Should he be something to fear considering he was essentially responsible for the SIVA outbreak and the deaths of majority of the Iron Lords, or are we giving him a pass?

Things like this need answers, but considering it's Destiny, such information is probably locked away behind countless Grimoire cards. That, or there is no answer. But Rise of Iron did have some moments to shine...

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.