5 Ups & 5 Downs From Destiny: Rise Of Iron

2. SIVA Doesn't Feel Like A Viable Threat

destiny rise of iron

Normally, when you hear of an all powerful nanotechnology that has the power to replicate and destroy all matter around it, you'd be petrified of it. However, SIVA as amazingly powerful as it is made out to be feels like a henchman at best.

Looking back at the past "big bads" of Destiny, they actually felt like forces to be reckoned with. Aetheon seemed all powerful, Crota intimidated us inside his castle and Oryx just had a certain vengeance behind him. Even in The Taken King, Oryx was there every step of the way, pissed at us and wanting nothing more than our deaths in exchange for the death of his son. He recruited an army, albeit an annoying army, aboard a massive ship and was ready to rain down the pain. Nothing was more satisfying than finally killing his monstrous behind after everything we went through.

Fast forward to SIVA and there's just nothing to connect to. We are told this deadly nanotechnology brought about the end of the Iron Lords, and almost the end of the world. Yet, we roll right through it.

Yes, you did so with almost all enemies, but this one feels especially easy and lacklustre. Even the Fallen which are now using SIVA don't feel any different or more powerful, it simply seems like nothing more than a cosmetic change. SIVA never connects, never feels like something we should fear and never feels like anything more than a disease plaguing the Cosmodrome.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.