5 Ups & 5 Downs From Destiny: Rise Of Iron


5. The Iron Tomb

Destiny rise of iron

As rushed as it may have felt, the final part of the "story" from Rise of Iron may be one of the best missions to ever be included. It sees you storming the SIVA facility where the previous Iron Lords all lost their lives. And when you actually make it to the replication chamber you're in for a surprise, as the remnants of the Iron Lords are hanging from the ceiling, intertwined with SIVA. Here's where you're given the opportunity to use the Iron Battle Axe for the very first time, as you go up against the massive remnants of former heroes.

The fight is fantastic, as most of it is close range, you feel bad for taking down the Iron Lords. They look like they are in torment, even if they may not know what's going on, which gives way to a sense of relief when you put them down.

After escaping the exploding SIVA chamber in a short sequence ripped out of a Michael Bay movie, you're presented with hands-down the best cutscene in Destiny. You head back to the Iron Temple to present Jolder's Helm to Saladin, and give him back what he had lost. Then Saladin anoints you as the first of a new generation of Iron Lords and gives you the Young Wolf's Howl; an exotic sword.

This quest is so satisfying in that it feels like everything we've done throughout the course of Destiny will let us go down in the lore history. We are finally recognized as one of the best of the best, and that puts your character in a tremendous place going forward.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.