5 Video Game Enemies That Look Suspiciously Like Vaginas

1. The Hive Mind: Dead Space

Hive Mind Dead Space still stands as one of the select few games I cannot play with the lights off. It genuinely terrifies me. This is partly due to the atmosphere and partly due to the creepy as hell Necromorphs. This boss just has to take the number one spot on the list, because, frankly, look at that thing. After battling through hordes of Necromorphs you come face to face with the head honcho, a huge, phallic vagina. That's right, a phallic vagina. As much as that sounds like a contradiction in terms, the weird physiognomy of the creature is enough to convince of its legitimacy. Not only is its mouth filled with rows of razor sharp teeth, this thing also has a bad case of some form of Space STI as you can see by its sacs of pus and its ability to spit goo at you. Oh and it also stands several stories tall and won't hesitate to smash you to a pulp, as if the whole rude thing wasn't enough for you. http://youtu.be/8R7hgU0CVyc Have we missed any? Let us know in the comments below.
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Daniel McMurtry is a video game and film enthusiast from Belfast, Northern Ireland. He is currently studying media at college and also dabbles in film making. You can follow him on Twitter at www.twitter.com/DanielMcMurtry