5 Video Games That Influenced Real Life Decision Making

3. Learn To Play Guitar (For Real) - Guitar Hero II

Remember how crazy things got in 2007? How we'd all pile into a friend's home and take turns slaying tunes with a plastic axe? And how we all thought we were super badass for it? Man, weird times. Regardless, before the cash cow redefined the term "oversaturation" and was killed by an astounding 21 variations in five years, we were all in on it pretty hard. It was a good time - a simple way for those without any musical inclination to flick a few colored buttons and feel like Springsteen. That enjoyment led me to make a decision: I was going to learn how to play guitar. I'd be willing to bet I'm not the only one who got that idea from a Guitar Hero game, as it was the next logical step in my burgeoning music career. If a cheap plastic guitar was this much fun, the real thing could only be more fun. It's probably super easy to learn, too, right? I mean: look how good I am on Expert over here. Yeah. It wasn't. Turns out I couldn't play the real guitar because I lacked the patience and musical capacity to make it happen. I probably sucked more at the game than I realized, too. Still, my heart was in the right place when I made the decision to learn to play a real guitar. Lack of commitment and ability were the real hurdles.

Freelance writer situated on the east coast of Canada. Ten years writing pop culture, sports, news, and anything else that people will read. Follow me on Twitter @matthewjryder!