5 Video Games That Make Their Devs Look Bad

4. Rogue Warrior

Rsz Roguewarrior2

"Aaaaaaaargh! Not by the balls!"

This game is a tactical shooter with a great, down-to-earth story and characters. Well, it was marketed as such, at least. They basically threw it all out of the window when the main character was given the nickname "Demo Dick". Whoa, whoa, whoa. This can in no way be a form of over-compensation, right? Our toughts are that, because all the "killing" and "killmoves" in this game could be described as cartoon violence, they needed a reason for the 17+ rating. Demo Dick's name alone wasn't enough, though. Thus, Mickey Rourke was given a job to swear angrily at the microphone, and the resulting monologue passed as voiceover.

It should be noted that the game wasn't actually supposed to be this bad. Initially, the developer built the game as a CO-OP experience. And the multiplayer was promising, too. It should have been 4v4, whereas the map would have been built out of three custom created pieces. Each team would create their own piece, and the middle was to be randomly generated so as to connect two small crappy constructions into one big crappy construction.

It would have been interesting, at the very least. But Bethesda (yes, the guys behind TES series and recent Fallout games) said that the protagonist was to be called Demo Dick and that he has to swear a lot. So, the game about Demo waving his knife around sucks. Whaddaya know.

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An avid gamer kicking about in the business of freelance writing.