5 Video Games That Make Their Devs Look Bad

1. Aliens: Colonial Marines

Rsz Aliens Colonial Marines Screencap

Those Jehovah guys sure got pushy.

It was a sad day when Colonial Marines got released. Some of us knew. The review embargo was a bad sign. But no one wanted to believe that it could possibly be such a disaster. Back in 2011, an epic demo of the game was shown. It was a true horror (in a good way) game that we all liked. What we got instead was a graphically inferior game with Xenomorphs that were clearly born from really really really dumb human beings. And the green (acid) ones on meth aren't even tedious, but comical. Scary space dildos aside, this is a really bad game.

What's even worse is the fact that it was released by the same people who've created the Borderlands series. It's important to note that the game offers two ways to play it, though. You can choose between: "never take your trigger finger off the trigger", OR "go Usain Bolt on the Xenomorphs and outrun them". At least we're given a non-lethal choice for the pacifists out there. Take that, Deus Ex!

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An avid gamer kicking about in the business of freelance writing.