5 Ways Origins Can Save Assassin's Creed

3. New Combat

Assassin S Creed Origins Combat

The combat in Assassin's Creed has always been something of a joke. There are YouTube videos aplenty showing players racking up enormous kill counts, because every single protagonist of the series has been capable of murdering an entire army on their own.

They're supposed to be assassins, not people that could wipe out an entire city.

Syndicate made some attempts at this by having weapons that didn't instantly kill people, but the main issue is that the combat needs to have some level of difficulty.

Gameplay footage from Origins indicates a massive overhaul for combat, with exactly this problem in mind. Standing still and attempting to counter like in previous games will only result in untimely death. Instead, Origins goes for a Dark Souls style of combat.

Dodging, blocking, and parrying will be the main methods of not getting a sword in the face. Archers will do massive damage to the player if they're not taken out immediately, which points towards more strategic gameplay. Players can also now choose between a faster, light attack to mostly offset enemies, or a slower, heavier attack that will deal some real damage.

Enemies will now think tactically as well. They won't queue up neatly to have their heads taken off, instead players will be rushed, and will need to think quickly if trying to fight off numerous opponents is a good idea, or whether retreating is the better option.


They don't let me write here anymore. I think they were put off by my handlebar moustache.