5 Ways To Make Resident Evil 7 The Scariest And Best Experience Possible

2. PS4 Pro Is The Way To Go

resident evil 7

Resident Evil 7 is going to scare players no matter what system they play on, but to get the absolute best experience you’re going to want to game on PS4 Pro. Although a high-end PC setup will likely deliver the better visual experience, the only way to play Resident Evil 7 in VR for the time being is on PlayStation VR. So PC isn’t an option at the moment.

On PS4 Pro you’re going to get beautiful (as beautiful as a hellish nightmare you can’t wake up from can be) crisp visuals whether you’re playing on a 4K TV or an older 1080p set, and the VR experience with PlayStation VR will be sharper. Nobody wants to be distracted looking at the terrible antialiasing on an otherwise beautifully rendered grotty kitchen tap while hiding behind a chair as a maniacal old man with a machete stalks you.

That would clearly be a recipe for an untimely and most like gruesome death. PS4 Pro saves lives (maybe).


Games industry veteran with over 12 years of video game editorial experience. No game will ever be as good as PGR2.